Tuesday 19 November 2019

The Miracle Of Control Y

                                      Here is Romie, Estella and I's Fake news video about the miracle of control Y. It was a very fun activity and I really enjoyed doing it. It was quite hard to crop the bits of the video that we did not want and merging it all together. The news video is about Estella accidently deleting something that was important so she freaked out and pressed control Z to many times so it then did not work. Then Romie came and whispered in Estella's ear to press control Y and it worked.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Leisure Activities

This is my Leisure activities from A to Z. I enjoyed doing this activity but it was quite challenging to find leisure activities starting with Q, Y and Z. We had to list two leisure activities in each box.

My Job In The Future

This slideshow is about my job in the future. for this activity we had to make up a jon that has not been made yet that we thought the future needed. I did soil tester because when you do this job you have to go to other planets and try to plant plants. it was a fun activity but it was quite challenging for me to create a job that I thought the future needed.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Future And Why

This is what I had to complete for my inquiry. I had to watch a video listing fifteen jobs that will disappear in the future and why. I found it quite hard to complete but I am proud of myself for putting in as much detail as I did. It was a fun activity and I enjoyed doing it even though it took me ages to finish.

My Digital Fortune


This is my digital fortune teller. I really enjoyed making this and testing this out. It was quite challenging to make the pictures link to the slides bur it was fun to create.

Thursday 17 October 2019

My Pepeha Game


This is my Pepeha game. It was hard to make at first but then I got the hang of what I needed to do. It was a very fun activity and I enjoyed doing it. I hope you enjoy playing my game!

Wednesday 25 September 2019

My Scratch For Inquiry


Here is my scratch video explaining what I learned for inquiry. We could choose to display our learning out of scratch, Powtoon or make an animation. I choose to do the hardest option. I am happy with how my scratch turned out and I enjoyed doing this. But sometimes it got frustrating doing my learning on scratch because one time I deleted all of my progress on accident and I had to start it all over again.

Monday 23 September 2019

RWC Rugby Ball

Today our class learnt about rugby and the rugby world cup. We had to look around the room and find the information cards that would answer the questions on the puzzle pieces. This activity was fun and it was not hard but not easy.I really enjoyed it. Here is my finished puzzle.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

My speech


This is my speech slide deck. This activity was so fun and we had to do it for cybersmart. First we had to find six images that go with your speech. This was not hard because my speech is about being a triplet. Next we had to record ourselves saying or speech and then screencastify our speech slide deck while playing our speech recording. Here it is:

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Calendar art

    Every year we do calendar art and this year we are doing owls. This activity was fun because the teachers gave us two options. We could either do blending with pastels or do Zentangle patterns and then dye it after. I decided to do option one. The activity was fun but also quite hard and I enjoyed doing it. Here is a picture of it:



For this activity we had to work out how much time you would get if you put money in a parking meter and then we had to work out what time it expired.
My group worked out:
50c = 15 mins
1.00 = 30 mins
2.00 = 1 hr
So if you put 3.50 into a parking meter at 3:15pm then you will have 1 hour and 45 minutes and it will expire at 5:00pm. I found this activity quite easy because I am already quite experienced with parking meters when we go to town. But this activity was also fun.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Polyline Face

                       This is my polyline face. For this cybertsmart activity we had to use the tool polyline and find a photo of ourselves and make a polyline face. This activity was quite hard because whenever you touched the line you made it saved it so you had to restart the line all over again.
Here is my polyline face:

Tuesday 20 August 2019



This is my paragraph about what I know about worms. I am very proud of what i wrote and my teacher Mrs McVey gave me a star and wrote that she thought my paragraph was great and she read it out to the class. this activity was fun and easy for me because I know alot about worms. Here is a picture of it:

My Sustainability Title Page

           This is my inquiry title page. For this activity we had to draw and color a title page to do with Sustainability. This activity was fun and easy and I enjoyed drawing the pictures. What I learnt from this activity is that I could draw and think of things to do with sustainability quite quickly.

Thursday 15 August 2019


Today we learnt about crosswords for our Reading Workshop and it was fun filling in the spaces and figuring out what the word was with the help of the clues. There was two words that my friends and I got stuck on ant these are what the clues said and what the answers were:
1. Clue: Earthquake shakes
Answer: Tremors
2. Clue: Car with a meter inside
Answer: Taxi
Other than that this activity was very fun and I enjoyed it very much.

Friday 9 August 2019

My Emoji

This is my emoji. For this activity we had to make an emoji for what our first feelings were when we saw the massive pile of rubbish outside the school hall and my emoji is the one that is sick because that is how I felt when I saw the pile of rubbish. About two weeks ago the students of Mangapapa would find something surprising waiting for them outside the hall. There was a massive pile of rubbish. It was all spread out on the concrete outside and there was everything you could imagine, books, phones, bottles, a heater, some chip packets, some fizzy drink cans and juice boxes, paper, cardboard boxes and heaps more. (I’m not writing the rest of what there was because that would take donkeys years.) Then the year six neighbourhood teachers took us out to look at it and a lady called Kirsty came and told us to tell her what we saw. Then afterwards we talked about how there were lots of things that were in the pile that could be fixed, recycled or reused. The next day the rubbish was gone but that’s why we did emojis for inquiry in the afternoon.

Thursday 8 August 2019

The Fireplace Art

Yesterday Room 12 had art day and we made fireplaces and it was very fun.  We used dye, crayons, pencils and a ruler. this activity was not too hard and Mrs G said that when we finished we could color in lizard templates.

Here is my fireplace art:

And here is my lizards:(I made two.)

Wednesday 31 July 2019

The Enviro Trip

 Yesterday Room 12 and 14 went on a walk to the Botanical gardens, the HB Williams Memorial Library and the Environment center. First we walked to the Botanical gardens and ate morning tea and played then we went to the library and looked at books and if we brought our library cards we could return and issue books. Finally we had lunch outside the environment center while we waited for Room 11 and 15 to finish and then we went inside. We learnt about all sorts of things there including: things about compost and worm farms, different herbs, kiwi kai rescue, things that you can use instead of plastic like metal straws, bamboo plates and cutlery and reusable bags. Soon it was time to leave and we walked back to school and ate the rest of our lunch till the bell rang to end the school day. all in all it was very FUN!

Friday 5 July 2019

Paper Wheel Collabration

For this activity we were put into our ako whanau groups and create a paper wheel using newspaper and sellotape. It was a very fun activity to help us get better at collaboration.                                                                                                              Now here are some photos of the Paper Wheel Challenge, 'Behind The Scenes.'

Thursday 4 July 2019

The Rainbow fish

                                                                 The Rainbow Fish

This is my friend's and I's Rainbow fish. We had to either be in a group of 2 or in a group of three. We could either make a owl or a fish and my group made a fish.
It was a really fun activity and we finished it. 

Carmen Sandiego

Today was Breakouts and for Breakouts we did
Carmen Sandiego. We had to find the clues to catch the bad guys and write the answers in our books and then retrieve the stolen treasures. Then we could do Carmen Sandiego part 2. When we finished we could finish off or do an activity like drawing.💻

Tuesday 2 July 2019

This is my Scratch create. We had to make scracy draw with a pen and make a picture.

Magic squares

This is our maths yesterday.We solved them in our problem solving groups. We did magic squares and solved one. We had to times the number in the middle by three to get the answer and in a way,  it is sort of like sudoku. We started with small numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4 and then we did big numbers like 222, 555, and 888.▦😁

Friday 28 June 2019

Thursday 27 June 2019

This is my Poowtoon that describes what conflict is and other stuff. It was so FUN.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

If I were a tree during the fall

This is my writing about if I were a tree during Autumn. This writing activity was fun and I enjoyed writing about it. I think that this was quite an easy task to complete but it was still fun!🌲😎😁

Wednesday 12 June 2019

This is my powtoon about what other blogs have on them. It was very fun adding the props.

Monday 13 May 2019


This is my maths. For this activity we had to make three numbers add to ten and then make those numbers multiply to 45. It was fun but also a little bit hard but i had fun trying to work it out.
Here it is:✏🖊📏📚🕮📘📎

Wednesday 8 May 2019

public vs private

We are learning about what is public info and what is private info.
I think this learning session was fun because we got to choose what was public or private info.
I learnt that there is lots of info that is public that is about you but there is also lots of private info to.
I found this learning fun and easy because we had to drag the little circles into the sections we thought suited them best.🖳😎

Wednesday 1 May 2019

This is my poem for ANZAC day. It describes how I feel about the war and the Anzacs.
This is my poem:

Monday 18 March 2019


This is our maths that my maths problem solving group did together. It was fun and we even made up our own problem. In this maths lesson I learned that you can use charts and tally's to help you to work out the answer.✏🖊📃📟

Friday 8 March 2019

The learning pit shows when you are stuck and you want to quit and you are stuck but then you decide to keep going and in the end you succeed. this is my learning pit.✏📖📚📏

Thursday 28 February 2019

In room 12 maths class we are learning about measurement. the activity we did was when we answered the questions that was to do with measuring a monster.  after we got to maker a monster. this is mine.

Thursday 21 February 2019

This is my Rip currents diagram. It shows where you can escape when in a rip and it has some facts about them too. I found this very fun and I loved making it. For me this was not tricky because it was very easy and I also learnt things about rips that I did not know.😎😁

Wednesday 20 February 2019


Horohopu is a game with a poi that you through to a person in a circle. The poi can not touch you and each time you get better you have to add on moves before you catch the poi and the poi will be in the air. I thought it was fun and I could catch the poi. I found it difficult that you had to do moves and the catch the poi without the poi touching you. Here are some photos of my class and me playing Horohupo.😎😃

Thursday 7 February 2019

                    My Writing Border😀
This is my writing border. We had to do it with coloring pencils and pencils. Whenever we finish writing it goes on our writing border. I enjoyed it because it was fun making the patterns.

                             Modigliani Art🖌

This is my Modigliani  art. We learnt about him to. (Modigliani is the last name of a famous artist, Amedeo Modigliani.) This is his art technique that we had to copy his technique.🎨          

                                                                                                                                                                             His Technique was that he did not add pupils to his
    art and he painted people with looooong necks.👀                                                                                                                                                             

                     Waitangi Day Facts📃

This is all of my facts that I have collected and it is in the shape of The Treaty Of Waitangi.🎥
We had to go around the classroom and find fact cards and answer the questions on the puzzle pieces and when we had finished answering and collecting info we cut out the puzzle pieces and glue them in place. Then we had to color it in lightly with brown to make it look aged.🌞🌛 One of the facts I learnt was that Hone Heke was the first maori chiefs to sign the treaty of waitangi.