Thursday 28 February 2019

In room 12 maths class we are learning about measurement. the activity we did was when we answered the questions that was to do with measuring a monster.  after we got to maker a monster. this is mine.

Thursday 21 February 2019

This is my Rip currents diagram. It shows where you can escape when in a rip and it has some facts about them too. I found this very fun and I loved making it. For me this was not tricky because it was very easy and I also learnt things about rips that I did not know.😎😁

Wednesday 20 February 2019


Horohopu is a game with a poi that you through to a person in a circle. The poi can not touch you and each time you get better you have to add on moves before you catch the poi and the poi will be in the air. I thought it was fun and I could catch the poi. I found it difficult that you had to do moves and the catch the poi without the poi touching you. Here are some photos of my class and me playing Horohupo.😎😃

Thursday 7 February 2019

                    My Writing Border😀
This is my writing border. We had to do it with coloring pencils and pencils. Whenever we finish writing it goes on our writing border. I enjoyed it because it was fun making the patterns.

                             Modigliani Art🖌

This is my Modigliani  art. We learnt about him to. (Modigliani is the last name of a famous artist, Amedeo Modigliani.) This is his art technique that we had to copy his technique.🎨          

                                                                                                                                                                             His Technique was that he did not add pupils to his
    art and he painted people with looooong necks.👀                                                                                                                                                             

                     Waitangi Day Facts📃

This is all of my facts that I have collected and it is in the shape of The Treaty Of Waitangi.🎥
We had to go around the classroom and find fact cards and answer the questions on the puzzle pieces and when we had finished answering and collecting info we cut out the puzzle pieces and glue them in place. Then we had to color it in lightly with brown to make it look aged.🌞🌛 One of the facts I learnt was that Hone Heke was the first maori chiefs to sign the treaty of waitangi.

Monday 4 February 2019

This is my digital map that shows where I've been on holiday, to get something or somewhere we went for a day trip. Click the link below to look at my map that shows where I've been.🚘





Friday 1 February 2019


It's 2019 and things are harder, more intense and.....  well maybe not that hard and not intense and maybe i'm just trying to make it interesting?🤔 

Anyway i'm happy that i've got the same teacher (Mrs McVey) and it feels like...... hmmmmm what does it feel like? I think it feels like YEAR FIVE! (NO!) (YES!) I think it is because were in the same CLASSROOM or the same TEACHER. Maybe, I don't know. So what i'm saying is that this year is like last year but I like It, I like this year. So 2019 here I come! Or so I think?😉